प्रहरी कन्ट्रोल : १००, टोल फ्री नं.: १६६००१४१५१६
कोशी प्रदेश प्रहरी तालिम केन्द्र, बिराटनगर - हाम्रो बारेमा


People focused, knowledge and skill based practical guidance towards positive attitude in training delivery.


Instruct trainees to maintain peaceful and secure society by upholding the highest standards of professionalism through effective training delivery.


The primary purpose of Koshi PPTC is to prepare police personnel for the challenging need of policing through Nepal Police, who will command with courage, uprightness, dedication and a strong sense of service to the people to maintain peace and security. Koshi PPTC will endeavor to show seeds of such values and norms in order to help them serve the people better. In particular, it will try to inculcate integrity of the highest order, sensitivity to aspirations of people in a fast changing social and economic setting, respect for human rights, broad liberal perspective of law and justice and highest standards of professionalism.
  • To conduct foundation training programs (induction courses) by offering developmental opportunities to the Constables and Junior Police Officers (Short Term).
  • To prepare outdoor police instructors required for the domestic purpose as per the direction of NPA.
  • To offer and undertake advanced training for Junior Police Officers and the Constables in the field of security, crowd control & management, prevention of crimes and crime investigation, community policing, etc.
  • To provide consultancy services to other training delivery agencies & various district police under Koshi PPTC in formulating and conducting training programs and On-the-Job Trainings effectively and efficiently.
  • To conduct extra-curricular activities for the promotion of all round development of personality, self-reliance and professionalism of instructors as well as of trainees
  • To develop and implement Training Calendar on the basis of TNA and local needs in accordance with the direction of NPA.
  • To conduct fair, transparent and professional recruitment & selection process.

Organization Structure of Koshi PPTC

Koshi PPTC is headed by Senior Superintendent of Police who serves as the Commandant of the training center. Commandant is assisted by the Joint-Commandant (Deputy Superintendent of Police) and a team of well qualified and skilled officers. Koshi PPTC takes the pride in having carefully selected excellent instructors with sound academic and professional background. The structural sketch of Koshi PPTC is as follows:
Trainers and Support Staff
Following police personnel have been working as a part of Koshi PPTC family:

Following police personnel have been working as an outdoor instructor:


Female ASI -1, Female AHC -1,

Female PC-10

P.T.-----3---811Female ASI - 1, PC-1
Weapon Handling----121-21117

Faculty Members

SSP Abi Narayan Kafle

Mr. Kafle joined Nepal Police in 1998 and holds Master`s Degree in Public Administration (MPA) & Political Science (MA) from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. In his 26 years of service, he has accomplished various professional courses namely Training of Trainer (TOT), Crime Investigation Training, FPU Pre-Deployment Training, Operational command and Management-III, Basic Security in field staff safety Health warfare, Advance course on management & development, Advance course on National security, Traffic management training (India), Wildlife crime investigation training (USA), Construction and management of development sector (China) etc. He has also attended several other workshops and seminars in Nepal and in other foreign countries. He has wide range of experiences on managerial leadership and resource mobilization with sound knowledge on policy-making and emerging technology in law enforcement. He has also served in UN Peace keeping Missions two times as an UN Police Officer in Sudan (UNMIS) and formed police unit in Darfur (UNAMID).

In honor of over 26 years of professional service in various position and roles in Nepal Police, He has been awarded with several medals and decoration along with Prawal Janasewa Shree for his commendable performance. He has been working as a commandant and head of faculty in Koshi Province Police Training Centre, Biratnagar since May 2024.


DYSP. Guru P. Timsina

Mr. Timsina joined Nepal Police in 2007 and completed Bachelor Degree in Education from Mahendra Ratna College, Tahachal. In his 18 years of service, he had worked in various units of Nepal police in different role and responsibilities. He has sound knowledge and experiences of General Policing, Police Operation and Crime Investigation and has also attended in various professional trainings and seminars in Nepal such as Crime Investigation, Operational Command and Management, Stress Management etc. He has experience of working in peace keeping mission of United Nations (UNAMID) for one and half years. Currently, he has been working as an instructor in Koshi Province Police Training Centre, Biratnagar since August, 2023.


Insp. Rishi Raj Dhakal

Mr. Dhakal joined Nepal Police in 2007 and completed Bachelor Degree in L.L.B. from Nepal Law College & completed his Master Degree from Tribhuwan University. In his 16 years of service, he had worked in various units of Nepal police in different role and responsibilities. He has sound knowledge and experiences of General Policing, Police Operation and Crime Investigation and has also attended in various professional trainings and seminars in Nepal such as Crime Investigation, Security, Basic Intelligence, Program on use of ICT for evidence based investigation, Investigation training on crime related women & children, Training of Trainer (TOT) etc.Currently, he has been working as an instructor in Koshi Province Police Training Centre, Biratnagar since September, 2024.


Insp. Milan Thapa

Mr. Thapa joined Nepal Police in 2014 and completed Master's Degree in Political Science from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. In his 9 years of service, he had worked in various units of Nepal police in different role and responsibilities. He has sound knowledge and experiences of General Policing, Police Operation and Crime Investigation and has also attended in various professional trainings and seminars in Nepal such as  Investigative Interview, Operational Command and Management etc. Currently, he has been working as an instructor in Koshi Province Police Training Centre, Biratnagar since August, 2023.

Insp. Ashish Pokharel

Mr. Pokharel joined Nepal Police in 2018 and has got Bachelor Degree in Humanities from Dharan Model College, Sunsari. He has attended various professional trainings such as Drill Instructor (Indoor & Outdoor), VIP Security, IPS Training in Hyderabad, India. Currently, he has been working as an instructor in Koshi Province Police Training Centre, Biratnagar since December, 2023.

Insp. Prabhat Laksam Limbu

Mr. Limbu has joined Nepal Police in March 2021 AD and has completed Bachelor’s Degree in 2019 from Tribhuwan University. In his 3 years of service, he has worked in various units of Nepal police in different role and responsibilities. He has sound knowledge and experiences of General Policing, Police Operation and Crime Investigation and has also attended in various professional trainings and seminars such as Commando, Indian Police Service training (IPS) in India etc. Currently, he has been working as an instructor in Koshi Province Police Training Centre, Biratnagar since October, 2024.

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Abi Narayan
