प्रहरी कन्ट्रोल : १००, टोल फ्री नं.: १६६००१४१५१६
प्रकाशित मिति शीर्षक कार्य
२०७९-०३-०९ Global Vacancy Announcement for Police Advisor, P-4 (2079-03-09)
२०७९-०३-०२ Global Vacancy Announcement for Police Liaison Officer, P-3 (2079-03-02)
२०७९-०१-२२ UN Global Vacancy Announcement for the Post of Special Assistant P-3 (2079-01-22)
२०७९-०१-०५ UN Vacancy Announcement for the Post of Transnational Crime Officer P-3 and Public Order Adviser P-4 (2079-01-05)
२०७८-१२-०२ Global Vacancy Announcement for Different Post (2078-12-02)
२०७८-११-२२ Vacancy Announcement for the post of UN Police Planning Officer ( Community Policing), P-3 in BINUH (Haiti)
२०७८-११-१८ UN Global Vacancy Announcement for the post of Senior Police Coordinator, P-5 (2078-11-18)
२०७८-११-०९ UN Global Vacancy Announcement for the post of Police Liaison Officer, P-3 (2078-11-09)
२०७८-११-०१ UN Global Vacancy Announcement for the post of Police Chief of Operations, P-4 (2078-11-01)
२०७८-०९-२६ UN Global vacancy announcement for the post of Capacity Building & Development Coordinator P-4 and Community Policing Advisor P-4 (2078-09-26)
२०७८-०९-०७ Global Vacancy Announcement for Senior Police Coordinator (P-5) at United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) (2078-09-07)
२०७८-०८-०९ Global Vacancy Announcement for Police Reform Advisor, P-4 and Police Planning Advisor, P-4 (2078-08-09)
२०७८-०६-३० UN Global Vacancy Announcement for the post of Community Policing Officer, P-3 in Brindisi and FPU Coordinator, P-4 in MINUSCA